My Funny/Bizarre Baby Dream
I still don't feel a ton of movement so I'm always wondering, "why? what's going on?" (My sister said she didn't really feel a ton of movement kick in - no pun intended - with her first son until about 7 mos - other than butterfly flutters).
Thursday night, I felt more than I normally do - I felt definite bumps - put my hand over the left side of my belly (where his head and hands are) and I felt definite light bumps against my hand three times - which made me smile :) Then I felt a few more with my right hand right around where his feet are.
Nonetheless, since Thursday, other than an occasional light tap now and then, it hasn't been as prominent, so of course, I worry/wonder.
With that said, I woke up at 5:20am this morn .... and had thoughts of baby movement on the mind. I fell back to sleep for about an hour and a half, and here's my funny bizarre dream.
In my dream, I felt something tiny and hard near my belly button, and I pushed down on it and went "OW!" So I showed the spouse, and lo and behold, all of a sudden, 10 tiny toes were protruding from my abdomen! I said to the spouse, "LOOK! We can see his feet!" So we start grabbing at the tiny toes which later morphed into his actual feet.
Then, a tiny hand reaches out and up towards my face - so I grab it and kiss it - all excited!
The funniest part - lastly.... his whole face emerges right above my belly button - complete with big brown eyes and dark hair, and he looks back and forth. I kiss his tiny head as I hold his hand and say, "I love you Zachary", thinking, "wow - they can see out from inside the womb!" He says back, "I love you Joanne." And I'm thinking, "isn't he supposed to call me Mom?" :-D
Then I woke up.
My mom asked if I was taking hallucinogens last night. A colleague of mine told me to find out what the dream means because it has to mean something. I said, "Yeh - it means the mom is NUTS!" She says, "Well, we already know that. Maybe there's a deeper meaning." Yeah - the mom is certifiably insane! :-D