Worth the Weight?
The spouse & I were watching the Discovery channel last night - in between Monday night football - and there was a show that was reviewing the top 10 animals you don't want to piss off, basically... we caught it at #3.
Number three was a lion, number two was African killer bees, and the number one animal you don't want to piss off was the elephant of all things! I guess you don't want to be in front of a charging elephant (especially if their credit card is declined - haha)
So the spouse says to me, "The elephant? They seem so nice and smart. I've always liked elephants."
"That's why I married one."
Ba dum dum!
Mistaken Identity
I scared my 7 year old nephew at his birthday party on Saturday....
We were at a local arcade ... and I had my back turned, talking to my sister's mother-in-law ...and he runs up to me and is all, "Mom! Can Kyle and I...." And as I turn around and he sees MY face instead of my sister's - he screams, "AHHHHH!" And off he runs...
Really good for the ol' ego...hehe!
My sister and I have had similar hair at certain points in our lives - and this is one of them. Hers is always long, dark, and curly. Mine has ranged from long, dark and straight, to short and straight, to short and curly, to long, dark and curly... so from behind... when our hair is about the same length... it's hard to tell who's who.
He and his brother (now 10) used to do that to me when they were really little on days when my sister and I had our hair styled kinda the same....the look of shock on their little faces - priceless :-D
At least...I like to THINK it was the hair... Then again...when I look in the mirror, I do the same thing...run screaming....
The best case of Mistaken Identity was when my sister's boyfriend at the time (when she was 18 and I was 16) - mistook me for her. In addition to the hair-twin-thang, I was wearing one of her jumpsuits. Imagine my surprise - when I was bent over - head in the refrigerator - and someone came up behind me and grabbed my ass.
Imagine HIS surprise when I turned and he saw it was me instead of her.
At 16, I had made it to like 3rd base - without even having a boyfriend!
If I've ever made a boy blush... that was the moment. Priceless!