Do you know what I find annoying? STUPID PERSONALIZED LICENSE PLATES! Take, for example,one I saw this morning. The car: a bright yellow VW Beetle. The license plate: VW Btle. Imean, what's the point??? Is this in case you FORGET what kinda car you have? "I can't remember that I just bought a lemon-coloredbuggy looking it's a good thing I labelled it on my license plate." Or perhaps there's a fear that you won't be able to pickyour BRIGHTLY-GLOWING-YOU-NEED-SUNGLASSES-TO-LOOK-AT-IT BUG from a line up of other cars (none of which are likely to be vw beetles)."Good thing I got that darn personalized license plate thingymajig! There's SO many cars here! Look at all thecars-that-are-not-beetles-but-that-still-might-confuse-me-even-though-none-of-them-are-brightly-glowing-hazardous-to-your-eyes-yellowparked in this here parking lot!"Might as well write your name on all your clothes!But it doesn't end there.
The other perfectly annoying license plate I saw this morning: InShape. WHO CARES??? I have to say, itwould've been rather funny if the person driving that car was, like, 300 pounds, but it was just some chick who looked, well, inshape. Thanks for sharing, honey. I was wondering if you were!
My personal favorite: Sweety2. I see this chick every so often on the ride to Goodyear (on route 8). What's sad is that there is probably a Sweety and a Sweety1 riding around out there, too.
What's even sadder...I suppose I need a life if I'm reading license plates on the way to work and getting annoyed by them.