Friday, September 06, 2002

I just sat through 2 hours of watching brain-draining, super-sized, alien bugs (no – I’m not still in meetings at work). The movie is “Starship Troopers” (which I’ve seen before so that tells you a lot about me – the fact that I’ve watched it again), and if you have a desire to see humans open cans of whoop-ass on a mess-load of insects, this is the movie for you. Brain Bug is pretty cool – he looks like a giant, rippling kidney bean with about 10 eyes and a brain-sucking device. Hmmm…makes you wonder if about 90% of the human race hasn’t fallen prey to his suction.

***Look forward to what I’m sure will be a humorously, thought-provoking and intriguing article on this whole 90% theory on the blog of one of the most intelligent people I know – who also happens to be one of the greatest friends a person could ever hope to meet. So when that article is written, I will certainly link you to it.

Chris – Now that I’ve built this up…and it’s not that I’m trying to put any undo pressure on you but…is it done yet? Is it done yet? Is it done yet? Here’s a little inspirational quote to get you started:
J: "Why the big secret? People are smart, they can handle it."
K: "A *person* is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."
(Men In Black)

Speaking of bugs (or maybe speaking of dangerous animals), my husband and I have become the pests of Don Pablos. First of all, the bartender commented, “You two are becoming regulars,” and I’m thinking, “BECOMING? This is our second home! I DREAM about this place!” But you know you’ve gone over the edge when the manager travels from table to table to see how everyone’s doing, and when he gets to your table, he stops, lets out a startled, “Oh!” and then says, “This is pretty scary. You look more familiar to me than my own wife does.” I’m officially afraid…of what I’ve become.

Well, I intended to rant and rave about how much I hate rude people tonight (I don’t just hate them tonight – I hate them all the time…I was just planning to spew off at the mouth tonight about how much I hate rude people because rude people really piss me off and make me want to use everyday household items as weapons), but due to the pleasantries of my evening (brain-draining bugs, the love from Don Pablos, thoughts of building a house made of chocolate – a house in which I would be VERY handy because I could do things like gnaw out a spiral staircase, or eat my way through the roof if I want a skylight - I will postpone my Rude-People Rage for a future entry).


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