Monday, September 02, 2002

"Mama....I never meant to hurt you...I never meant to make you cry but I'm...just cleanin' out my closet." (Eminem)
"Mama...I never meant to hurt you...and now you just cry and cry cuz I...refuse to clean my closet." (Me - the teenage years)

Eminem is one angry dude (unlike Ferris Bueller who's one righteous dude). You know what makes me angry? (See, I had to come up with some sort of segue into this so I figure who better to open the Angry Doors than Eminem?) I'll tell you what makes me angry (and I have to get this off my chest since I've heard this a few times in the last few days). Folks, when Hamlet said, "To be or not to be," he was not giving you a choice whether 'tis nobler to use the "to be" verb family or not. Please do not butcher the English language and say that your broken refrigerator "needs fixed" or your ketchup-stained, white shirt "needs washed." (And Eminem thinks he has problems!) In the immortal words of MacCauley Caulkin in "Home Alone" after he slaps aftershave onto his freshly shaven 8 year old face, "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!"

Something else that makes me go "AAAAAAAHHHH" (again...needed the transition):
"I have been a slut many times but never a whore." - Ginger Lynn, E True Hollywood Stories

Ginger, a rose by any other name...

And that's about all I have in me for tonight.


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